Home Forums Total Search function on mobile

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Hash.
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  • #48807
    Danny Omid

    I am trying to edit the “Search” function on mobile, as it’s completely missing on mobile at the moment. There is no “search” button in the mobile hamburger menu….

    I also updated the Total Plus Plugin to the latest version 3.0.8, but it’s still asking me to “Upgrade to Pro” in the “Appearance > Customize” section of WordPress. I already activated the license key inside the “Total Plus Panel”….

    I can’t even access the some of the fields within the “Customize” section, it just says “Loading Control”… and never loads….

    On top of all this, I can’t see this section where I would like to edit the search function:

    Please help, thank you.


    The Issue has been fixed through chat support.

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